A well-crafted brand position lays the groundwork for a compelling and enduring brand - one that sees you stand out in the crowd, attract and connect with the right people, and deliver long-term business growth.


Typical brand positioning issues:


Get guidance on overcoming an urgent brand positioning problem that is hindering your progress and growth - anything from purpose to promise, vision to values.

Low customer engagement

Weak market position

Gaps in brand image

Poor customer perception

Misunderstood brand value

Whatever your brand positioning hurdle may be, you’ll receive valuable insights and expert guidance to quickly identify and address it. You’ll be offered strategies to: enhance differentiation, resonate with your target market, and strengthen your overall market competitiveness.


60 Minutes of Expert
Guidance + Next Steps


What we’ll focus on:


Your brand's first impression can make or break its trajectory, so orchestrating a memorable and impactful entry into the market is mandatory.

Competitor analysis

Target market: audience mapping, buyer behaviour, avatar

Brand personality: tone, type, values

Verbal brand identity: purpose, vision, mission, client promise

Unique selling proposition

Brand narrative: pillars & supporting messages

Brand channels


Full Day Workshop +
Bespoke Brand Playbook


What we’ll focus on:


When a competitor crowds the market and creates confusion (or worse, a price war!), it's time to refresh your position, refine your brand narrative and claim your distinct identity.

Competitor analysis

Target market: audience mapping, buyer behaviour, avatar

Brand personality: tone, type, values

Verbal brand identity: purpose, vision, mission, client promise

Unique selling proposition

Brand narrative: pillars & supporting messages

Brand channels

Advocacy: analysis, testimonials, messaging


Full Day Workshop +
Bespoke Brand Playbook

*Pricing is in AUD. Terms & Conditions apply.

“A solid brand position is a fundamental aspect of business identity. It shapes how people perceive and interact with your brand, influencing their purchasing decisions and long-term loyalty.”

How long are mini consults?

Mini Consults are for 60 minutes on your scheduled day. They are designed to tackle your most urgent marketing and communications problems. You’ll get on-the-spot guidance so the issue you are facing doesn’t cause ‘business paralysis’.

How long are brand workshops?

Workshops are for 6 hours and include a ‘brain break’ + lunch break. Having a day together allows for thorough investigation and crafting of your brand position playbook which will be delivered two weeks post-workshop, barring unforeseen circumstances or another date being negotiated.

Where will my session be held?

All consults and workshops are held online - for easy access and attendance. Each session will be recorded and a link to the recording will be sent to you following your session for downloading.

Who suits is best suited to a mini consult?

Mini consults are for any brand owners stopped in their tracks but need to move on swiftly. You may not need a full strategy session, rather some quick guidance for your most pesky brand positioning problems.

Who is best suited to a brand workshop?

Workshop titles highlight the stage of business they are best suited for: ‘Establish’ is for brands with no prior positioning and ‘Differentiate’ is for established brands but need of revisit the effectiveness of their positioning.

What preparations do I need to make for my workshop?

A pre-workshop questionnaire will be sent to you for completion. The questionnaire will help ascertain what direction you want your brand to go in and to guide the conversation during our session.