In an era where customer engagement reigns supreme, a client's experience must go beyond aesthetics and transactions. It needs to be immersive, captivating and forge deep connections that inspire trust, loyalty, and advocacy.


Typical customer journey issues:


Get guidance on overcoming customer journey headaches that are hindering your ability to progress prospects and clients from awareness to advocacy.

Low customer engagement

Weak market position

Gaps in brand image

Poor customer perception

Misunderstood brand value

Whatever your customer journey hurdle may be, you’ll receive valuable insights and expert guidance to quickly identify and address it. You’ll be offered strategies to: inspire trust, loyalty, and advocacy.


60 Minutes of Expert
Guidance + Next Steps

What we’ll focus on:



Today’s competitive market sees brands vying for market share and attention. Those that succeed offer a compelling customer journey, resulting. in a vastly increased bottom line.

Current state: customer journey

Desired state: customer journey

Target market: empathy mapping

Touchpoints: paid, earned, owned

Influence strategy: success path

Brand positioning

Service positioning

Stage messaging

Content mapping

Measurement: return on investment and effort


Collaborative Guided Workshop +
Tailored Customer Journey & Messaging

What we’ll focus on:



In today’s digital age, where news spreads rapidly, brands must manage their reputation. But no brand is immune to errors, so preserving trust during times of turmoil is key.

Issue analysis

Market review: stakeholder analysis, competitor response

Spokesperson identification and preparation

Issues messaging: holding statements, reactive statements, Q&As

Reputation management: monitoring public opinion, positioning statements

Channel & distribution planning

Post-incident evaluation, monitoring and adjustments


Issues Management Workshop +
Go-To-Market Plan

*Pricing is in AUD. Terms & Conditions apply.

“When you nail your customer journey, you can establish your brand as the go-to provider, even in a tough market with established competitors.”

How long are mini consults?

Mini Consults are for 60 minutes on your scheduled day. They are designed to tackle your most urgent marketing and communications problems. You’ll get on-the-spot guidance so the issue you are facing doesn’t cause ‘business paralysis’.

How long are customer journey workshops?

Customer experience workshops are held over two days and include two ‘brain breaks’ + a 45 minute lunch break on each day. Spending two days together allows for thorough investigation and crafting of your customer journey playbook which will be delivered two weeks post-workshop, barring unforeseen circumstances or another date being negotiated.

Where will my session be held?

All consults and workshops are held online - for easy access and attendance. Each session will be recorded and a link to the recording will be sent to you following your session for downloading.

Who is best suited to a mini consult?

Mini consults are for any brand owners stopped in their tracks but need to move on swiftly. They may not need a full strategy session, rather some quick guidance for their most pesky communications and customer journey problems.

Who is best suited to a customer journey or reputation remedy workshop?

Workshop titles highlight the focus areas of the sessions: ‘Captivate’ is for brand owners looking to hold the attention of customers over a long journey; ‘Resolve’ is for any brand owner facing reputation issues on account of an error or issue within their business.

What preparations do I need to make for my workshop?

A pre-workshop questionnaire will be sent to you for completion. The questionnaire will help ascertain what sort of experience you are looking to offer and to guide the conversation during our session.

** For an issues workshop, please reach out to discuss scope and urgency.